How many of us Crazy Quilters also share a love of doing puzzles? I know that most of the time we also share a love for flowers and a lot of the time gardening too, a love of old pretty things, lace, buttons, and the list could go on and on! LOL I know that my dear friend Wendy also loves to do puzzles and so do I, is it just a coincidence? One time when me and my hubby were working on a puzzle I told him that when I'm doing a puzzle it's a lot of the same feelings I have as when I'm working on a crazy quilt block...the feeling of accomplishment when you get just the right piece in just the right place, and the need to keep going...just one more piece...LOL!
So if you are reading this I'd love to hear from you, just leave a comment! I'm curious to know how many who love CQ also love puzzles or if you love one but hate the other? And why?
It will be so fun to hear your answers!