Tatting with Visual Patterns by Mary Konior - This one has everything from easy to advanced and it's kinda like the equivalent to Carole Samples book for CQer's it's hard to find BUT you can get it at a decent price at the Handy Hands web site. Diagrams with written help and color photos.
Tatting Patterns And Designs by Gun Blomqvist and Elwy Persson - I think it's a good book BUT they don't have any extra written instructions only modern patterns and black and white photos, so if you are a beginner someone to help you with the patterns would be good or just wait to get it until you are comfortable with tatting.
Easy Tatting (a dover book) by Rozella F. Linden - A good little book very thin but the price is low so it's one of those that would probably be good for a beginner it is clear and has 3 ways of showing each pattern has it written out in modern and diagrammed patterns with photos.
Minitats 69 Petite Motifs by Patti Duff - I think this book is great for all tatters especially those who do CQ since you can use the little motifs very easily. Good for the beginner and you can grow with it as you learn. Modern pattern with written instruction and diagrammed with photo. Book lays flat when open.
A Tatter's Workbook by A. Tatter (Lacis Publication) - Really neat book worth having I think but you need a little experience to figure out some of the patterns since they are antique from a persons journal with samples she had made. I think it would be a good one for a CQer to have since there are lots of edgings and motifs. Written pattern with photo.
Tatting Rings of Flowers by Mary Maynard - I think liking this book depends on each individual if you would use it a lot, it does have lots of flower and leaf designs but it's geared a little more towards card making but could probably be useful to CQer's. It's more for if you want to think outside the box of the typical tatted motif and use the tatted pieces as parts of designs and not as a stand alone piece. Patterns are written out and there are photos. Book lays flat when open.
Tatting 60 Original Lace Treasures by Christel Weidmann - Good easy modern patterns also works for Needle Tatters, but not on the top of my must have list. You might want to see it first before buying to be sure you'll like it.
Big Book of Tatting - Actually it's a thin book! LOL It's got neat patterns in it more on the traditional side in that the patterns are written out and there is lots of cutting and tying so if you don't mind that it's neat. Has butterflies, bears, baskets, some edgings, some motifs, a lady pattern etc. Might be useful to CQer's.
The DMC Book of Charted Tatting Designs - I think this a good book it has more traditional type things such as edgings, motifs, doilies, collars, a few bridal crowns and a garter design. All the patterns are Diagrams no written but it does have some info for each one with the diagram and a photo.
Tatting Patterns by Lyn Morton - Very pretty designs I enjoy this book. The patterns are written out but also have diagrams and photos. Even has some jewelry patterns and some 3D flowers. It has a pretty floral feel to her patterns which I love.
The Tatted Artistry of Teiko Fujito - This is a pretty book the patterns range from beginner to advanced has everything from 1 shuttle to 3 shuttle designs. All kinds of patterns from motifs, doilies, edgings, to flowers and leaves. Diagrammed Patterns with photos and some written notes.
Tatting Patterns for One Shuttle Book 1 by Mark Myers - This book has illustrations and written instruction for how to tat for the first half of book, then it takes you right into some 1 shuttle patterns including edgings motifs and some themed motifs like butterflies, angels, cross, Christmas tree, heart, and snowflakes. Completely 1 shuttle and that's it they have no chains. Modern with written help and diagrams with photos. Book lays flat when open. Very good beginner book.
These books can be found mostly at Handy Hands and some at Amazon.
No Affiliation just where I've bought my books.
No Affiliation just where I've bought my books.
Your choices are wonderful! The only one I don't have is A Tatter's Workbook, which I'm giving some serious thought to buying.
Hello Melissa,
Thank you very very much for taking the time to develop this list of tatting books for us all. Greatly appreciated. Hugs Judy
Thanks for this review! I am looking for that "Tatting Rings of Flowers" by Mary Mayord. It looks like it has some fun flower motifs in there.
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