By no means is this the final look at my craft room but I thought you'd all like a little glimpse of what I'm starting to do!!!

Here is my blogging area! Very important because this is where I share everything with you!

My work space so far! I'm going to arrange things differently but for now this is where I'm working on stuff. I like that my work space is in front of the window. I still need to get a window treatment up too.

Here is where I have my stash so far. Not sure if this is where it will stay I'm thinking of shelves around my workspace to make it more accessible as I'm working.

WOO HOO my fabric is in wire drawers!!! I used to use these for clothes but since we moved I stole them for my fabric stash I think I need a third column too.
Hi Melissa
I hope the move went well and you are settling in to your new home.
Your craft room looks like a good work in progress, can't wait to see it finished.
I love the tea cosy, the embroidery is gorgeous!
how awesome to have a craft room! I have to share mine with the kids, LOL. But thats ok as long as they keep thier playdoh on their side. :P
Okay, I am trying NOT to be really jealous of the fact that you have a craft room! OH!
Okay, I can be very happy for you...that'll work! ;)
LOL you are too funny! I'm so thrilled too! I don't know why but I never had one before and I tried it before and it just didn't work either. I learned from the past though and a big thing for me is having a good window near my work space AND I have to have a pretty and functional room too! I have to like being there and that's the biggest factor!
I always thought that I'd get around to having a sewing room but nothing, nada!! Yours looks very welcoming. I like having a nice window too, nothing like natural light. It makes it more cheerful too. My house has long eaves and it doesn't let light in like I'd like for it too. I can't even grow flowers and plants like I'd like to. I also like your window with just the blinds. I think it makes the room look bigger.
Hi! I'm new to your blog. Love to see workspaces! Yours is fun.
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