In our Youth Group I'm a Co-Leader of a Girls Small Group ('Love Out Loud' is our groups name) with Terri and we had a sleepover at my house!!! It was so much fun too!
First thing in the morning we had
Crepes! I pre-made everything the day before so all I had to do was warm everything up in the morning! They were a lot of work beforehand but it was worth it. I had a request for them by one of the girls and as I was making 2 batches taking me 2 hours I thought...why did I agree to do this? LOL But then the happiness when I told her about them was exactly why. She was thrilled AND everyone loved them too thus making all the work and effort worthwhile in every way. LOL

Then we started to decorate flannel pillowcases for our group. I pre-sewed the cases from colorful flannel fabrics so that we could embellish them together (the fun part!). I also pre-made some heart appliques out of flannel prints.

Here is Terri ready to learn! She's never embroidered before.

I went around showing everyone how to do the blanket stitch around their applique hearts.

I also showed them how to create their own designs using stencils and a fade away pen or a pencil (we used both). Above is Amanda and she did the star in backstitch and found that it was very soothing and wants to do embroidery on her own now! I was plesantly surprised! I wasn't sure this would get a good reception from the girls but sure enough they all seemed to love it! Also I promised them a CQ day in the future because they saw
Stephanie and Amanda's CQ pillows and wanted to make some too!

Here is Elizabeth, she already knew how to embroider so she was off and running. She's very creative and made bows to applique on the designs too. Right here she's shoving her needle through a bow! LOL

Here's Terri's work!

And here is what I was working on!
I had taken more photos but my new camera seems to "eat" photos and I don't know what happens to them they just mysteriously disappear. I know I had more than these yet where are they? Hubby is going to try to recover them off the SD card so if I find them I'll update this post.