I thought you all would like a peek at how my craft room is coming together! I'm so happy about it!

When you come in the door there is a open closet that I'm using for storage with my fabric drawers I think I need another tier of the wire shelves though! LOL I enjoy seeing the colors of the fabric through the shelves kind of rainbow like and fun! The ironing board is only there for now but I like to fold it up when I'm not using it.

Next to the closet is a bookcase that I'm putting all my craft books in I still need to sort through them by category. Also I've put my bins and bead trays there too.

Then I have my desk with the computer I'd like to get another one for the opposite wall as well but haven't had a chance yet. I got this desk at Target on clearance and put crystal knobs on it. I also got a poster of ladies having tea that for now I've just pinned up until I find a frame.

I put the 2 large desks along the window wall for now I'd like to have more efficient table space but for now this is the best I can do, it kind of bothers me that the corners aren't utilized very good right now but in time I'll figure something out! LOL The window treatment I just stuck up for now I'd like to put the prettier red curtains I have with a more lacy sheer up soon, but for now it helps make the room feel pretty for me. I love my glass jars with lace, floss and ribbon spools!

This is the wall opposite the desk that I'd like to have another desk at. I think I'd put the sewing machine set up there. I put a cork board up to hold projects on so they don't disappear under things! LOL
I'd like to put floating shelves up around too. I'd also like one of those word plaques that says "Create" or "Inspire" I'm keeping an eye out! I'm really loving this space now that I know I enjoy a window and some pretty decor around me when I work as well as function, I'm feeling good about this room! I can create in here, and leave my mess too! LOL