The other day Rebekah was visiting and saw hanging on my wall a
CQ heart and she exclaimed that she loved it and asked if I would make her one! LOL Granted she is 5 years old (about to be 6 soon) but she is also my friend! ;) Another amazing thing about Rebekah is even though she is still a little girl she already appreciates embroidery and crazy quilting! I have a
video of her when she was 3 years old enjoying a block and she still enjoys seeing what I'm working on and what
her Mom is working on too!
Rebekah by the way is a ballerina and I've even gotten to take her to dance class before and she always loves the ballerina figurines they have in a case there. She also loves blue! So I searched through my image collections and found this pretty blue ballerina and printed her onto fabric and pieced up this heart. The fabrics are really difficult to capture the true colors, I feel that the print and the rose print fabric are accurate, but the green print is a bit too bright in this photo and the blue Dupioni silk looks a bit darker then in person as well in the top photo. In the photo below I feel shows more of the softness of the colors better and the blue Dupioni silk. It's a very soft sweet block and I hope I can eventually capture an accurate photo.