Thursday, February 21, 2008

Princess Bekah and the Block

This evening I got to go visit Wendy at her house and I brought my blocks to share with her. One of the joys is showing her daughter Bekah (Rebekah) the blocks and seeing her reaction. Many times I've wished it was on video so this time we had the camera ready! Isn't she SO cute!!! We'll have to video her enjoying blocks more often!
Wendy has also made a blog for her children Joseph and Rebekah.
You can also see the video Here on YouTube

1 comment:

Lace-lovin' Librarian ~ Diane said...

How precious! I won't be surprised to see Princess Bekah's needlework on line some day! I wonder how my granddaughters will react when I get around to making CQ blocks for them? I hope they show similar appreciation! Thanks for sharing!