Saturday, September 26, 2009

Lady Christmas Ornaments

Lilla shared how she creates these Lady Ornaments on her blog (the tutorial is in several blog posts so scroll through her blog to find them) and I loved them and was inspired to make a few myself! So here are the first two Ladies!
I really really love the first lady she is my favorite so far, I think she will go on my tree very nicely! She has a feather in her hair with sequins, fine glitter accessories, sequins on her hem and shoes and lace on her dress.
Here is another pretty lady it's harder to see the details in this photo but I added feathers to her feather fan, lace and sequins to her dress, a bead and lace fringe, she also has fine glitter accents.

1 comment:

AngelDoll said...

These lady ornaments are lovely. I am definitely going to check out that site...thak you for sharing.