Lookie Lookie!!! I got another Tea Swappy home! And I love all the contents of this one too! Click on the photo to see everything better. Check out the silkies everyone gave me I love all of them but I really admire those 2 Victorian ladies in the upper right I think they will need a special project! Also got some interesting trim that has butterflies on it in the lower left, the wings go out off the edge of the trim, it's really neat! I took a few close ups of the vintage stuff that needs close ups to be fully enjoyed!

Love it a monogram in white I will surly be using this! I always look through the hankies for our monograms but I don't always find them and then pretty ones at that!

And just look at this lace!

And this one! It's a half but that is very generous for such beauty!

Also this whole crochet doily! I don't think I can cut it...LOL!!! Ya know though that brought me to thinking, all those pretty doilies I collect for CQ that I can't bring myself to cut, I think I'll make blocks that are solid with a doily on them to showcase it and add to the size of my bedspread/or throw! That way they can be enjoyed and I won't have to cut them! I can even embellish them! I love that idea!
If anyone wants to send me some doilies for my quilt I'd love to accept them! LOL I hear there are those out there who don't like them (how can this be? LOL) so if you are reading this and have some and don't like them or whatever I'll gladly take them off your hands! LOL