The larger one is Sally Magill's SCMR Snowflake 2 which was actually the first time I've used the Self-Closing-Mock-Ring technique. The SCMR is actually a chain that you hold a loop back at the beginning of it to pass the shuttle through so you can close it to look like a ring. I thought I understood how it worked and I started tatting it up and then I realized too late that I had used the wrong shuttle to start the SCMR and found myself with an un-closeable chain...so I had to scrap that bit and start over. I went and grabbed my book from the Shuttle Brother's and looked more closely at the diagram and found out what happened. Once I fully understood what went wrong, I was off and tatting the SCMR's no problem and it's really very easy. Though this pattern with all the little tiny rings was hard on my finger where I pinch to close rings. It's such a cute snowflake though, I really love the fluffy arm tips and if you don't know about the SCMR it looks pretty impossible since you can't throw rings off of a ring! LOL
After that one I still had a tiny bit of thread left, but just enough not to want to just throw it away so I tatted this little one called Elmo's Snowflake. I had just barely enough though and had to finger tat the last repeat.
So now my total snowflake count is 19! I've got 7 snowflakes finished in just 2 months, I'm not sure I'll always be keeping up this kind of tatting veracity but hey I figure why not, maybe I'll continue to snowball snowflakes and have way more than I planned for. That would be awesome! It seems the more I tat the more I want to tat even more! LOL I'm starting to need a place to hang them all, I need to hash out an idea soon.
Now to load my shuttles and start on the large snowflake for March. I'm planning on tatting this snowflake from Be-stitched!