Here is Side Two all finished!
Click Here to see Side One and
Here to see the blank blocks.
I tried to keep in mind to be free, creative and fun for this block. I really wanted to try things I don't normally do, and put into effect more of what I had learned in
SharonB's Encrusted CQ online class. I tried not to over think things and try too hard, just go with any idea that seems good.
The first part I did was the heart with hanky corner and teacup with a 7mm silk ribbon sweetheart rose in the center. I cut and folded a small corner of a vintage hanky to make it look like a napkin or tablecloth underneath the vintage teacup jewelery finding. The finding had a hole through the middle of the cup and I was able to pass a needle through it enough to make a sweetheart rose in the center. Then I thought it needed a tad of green color so I used a lighter green to run through the lace heart applique with a bow. Last I put in some feather stitching in 1 strand delicate YLI green silk floss.

Here is an angled close up so you can see the teacup a little better. It looks like a stamped or embossed pattern on the metal that was used, very pretty.

In this section you can see some tatting I added to the fuzzy center that was a hen and chicks pattern in the variegated green coats&clark cotton sewing thread. The thread was so difficult to work with I only got about 3 and a half repeats before stopping, and since I saved that little bit I figured it would be put to good use on this block.
Above that is a half buttonhole wheel in a gold color with fushia lazy daisies and straight stitches with a pink size 15 seed bead between each wheel. Then I added a clear-lime sequin with size 15 green seed bead to the centers of the wheels.
To the left of the half wheels I did a simple feather stitch in orange and added ribbon stitches in yellow 4mm silk ribbon.
On the seam above I tried out a new stitch for me...the
Cretan stitch. I really enjoyed it, I was surprised how simple it was! I will for sure be using it again. To the arms of the stitch I added ribbon stitch leaves and then alternated bead flowers with size 15 seed beads in the centers.

In this section in the lower right I added a heart in green seed beads, and to the seam I used the herringbone stitch in orange floss adding yellow and pink sweetheart roses, orange pearls, and orange ribbon stitches. Then to the yellow roses I added 3 green straight stitches and to the pink roses I added fushia lazy daisy with 2 straight stitches.
Above that seam I used a triple feather stitch in green floss to which I added yellow ribbon stitch buds with three size 15 seed beads at the base and then added size 15 seed beads alternating opaque yellow with a clear frosted yellow.
Between those two seams I needed something so I added a lace butterfly with yellow silk ribbon in straight stitches to add color and a pink floss flight path.

Finally in this section I added to the pink/green fuzzy seam some amber rectangular beads in a straight line (kinda goes wavy but that's ok).
To the large green patch I added a bit of lace, to the lace I added some large flower sequins with seed bead centers and a pink ribbon along the bottom. At the seam I used the blanket stitch alternating long-short-short-long, and added leaf beads on top with sweetheart roses and orange seed beads.
In the lower left I stem stitched a heart in orange 4mm silk ribbon then added a knot flower in pink and yellow, a few ribbon stitch leaves, and to that I added a heart bead.
Now on to sewing the purse together!