I just received in the mail the most sweetest gift made with love from Donna! I enjoy reading
Donna's blog she is such a sweet lady! She also has a blog,
Rambling In Atlanta, where she shares about her life growing up and life lessons and I've teared up several times reading it and just enjoy getting to know her better. It takes courage to share your life like that and I'm so glad she has. I've found not only do we share a love of embroidery, crazy quilting, and nature, but we also share a love for Jesus first and foremost!
Now onto the eye-candy!

Donna made this little
Shadow Work Christmas bear! Isn't it so sweet?! I just love it! AND I've not gotten to see real live shadow work up close and in person!

As you can see she did a wonderful job stitching it up!

And take a look at that back! Just as beautiful as the front and you really
see how much work goes into it!

This photo I took with the piece on my light box so you can really see the shadows better.

She also made and sent this adorable cottage needlebook! I will be using this all the time, it's much more perfect to have sitting on the ottoman than a round mini-pincushion that's got needle's sticking out every-which-way! LOL Also to tuck in my purse to take with me! Oh and I have to tell you all this is my very first needlebook! I've never had one before so it's extra special!
Thank you so much Donna I love everything and when I use them I'll think of you!