My latest RAOK heart is for...shhhhhhh ...
Lillian ...don't tell! If you are on the Hand Embroidery List DON'T mention it on the list! I've been wanting to make her one for awhile, but I didn't feel the time was right. Now she's away and I can do it to surprise her and have the heart waiting for her when she gets back home. I just couldn't keep it a secret from you all! I'm not very good at secrets...I have to tell someone! LOL
OKAY now that I got that out, I can tell you about the stitching! Well I went back to the back stitch for the vines because I hated doing the stem stitch. I did the satin stitch on the "L" which I used to really not like to do the satin stitch but I took a long break from it and now I find it not so bad. In fact, I think my satin stitch improved during the break!!! I'm so serious it's like my brain was working on it in the last few months! Hey maybe in a month or so I can try the stem stitch again and it will be better??? LOL Has anyone else had this happen to them? I know that your brain works on things when you sleep and stuff...that's why the saying "sleep on it" I guess I had the satin stitch on my brain's back burner! God is so awesome to have made our brains to work on things in our subconscious!
Oh yeah and I used tracing paper for the "L" and stitched though it and it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I just outlined the letter with the back stitch, then tore away the paper and then filled in the satin stitch spots.
By the way, the fabric is gold Dupioni silk and the fabric doesn't photograph very well because it is shimmery. The photos look lighter, and more pale than it actually is.
To see my last heart I made
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