Continue to line up, flip, sew, trim, iron, and trim again if needed, making sure to keep going in the same direction.

When you get to the area of the last side, you will start to overlap pieces. I cut and sew this one extra large, again it's easier to cut away than have to make up for not enough.
(You could sew a piece all the way along and call the block done at 5 pieces, but I think overlapping a few more looks nicer.)

I also sewed the seam pretty far down just to be sure it wouldn't be too short for the overlapping piece.

I eyeball where I want to overlapping piece to go.

Flip it over and sew through all the layers again.

Trim away excess.

Again estimate where you want the next overlapping piece to go.

Sew all the way across the edge. Trim away the excess fabric.

I just cut any stitches from previous pieces with small scissors or a seam ripper to the new seam and cut the fabric away.

Flip back over and iron. At this point you could leave the block as is or add a few more overlapping pieces. I think another piece over the lower left would look nice but chose not to this time since I want to show the silk velvet in that corner off to full advantage.
Every block you piece is going to look different just go with it and do what you think looks best.
For larger blocks you would continue around the block overlapping fabrics, until your block is filled in.
Almost ready to embellish now comes part 5 basting and trimming.
Part 1: Preparing the FoundationPart 2: Selecting FabricsPart 3: Foundation PiecingPart 5: Basting and Trimming