I love this photo of when my little brother Aaron Mark Johnson was born! I was so proud and excited to maybe get to hold "the baby"! I was 6 years old when he was born on 18 September 1986!
I remember before he was born my parents didn't know if it would be a boy or girl and were picking out baby names...well they had picked out Adrian for either and just change the spelling for boy or girl and then later went with Adrian (I don't remember the spelling for the girls) for a girl and Aaron for a boy...I had wanted a little sister until I heard this! I hated the name Adrian so I prayed that God would let it be a boy! LOL
Also our Grandma had sent me and my other little brother Isaac baby dolls to take care of in preparation to be able to "hold the baby" so I took care of my baby doll very well! It was a very serious matter! I did eventually get to hold my baby brother sitting on the couch of coarse and very carefully.
Aaron became my "little buddy" which was very fun! I could talk him into anything! Until he got older and didn't want to hang out with a
sister, but by that time Mom had another baby, my little sister Joyce.
It did hurt my feelings a little when he "outgrew" me but I think we still have a special bond anyway. He used to grab onto the legs of unworthy boyfriends when we got older and would pester them to no end!
On 20 February 2007 my baby brother had a baby of his own! Nathan Marc Johnson was born at 5:10AM 8 pounds 11 ounces 21 inches long with a head and chest measurement of 13 inches! You see "Nathan" means "gift from God" and that is exactly what little Nathan is. Echo was not supposed to be able to have children due to cervical cancer, but God blessed her and Aaron with Nathan. Also it was a concern that he may need to have a c-section but God watched over him and Echo and let it be a natural birth! Praise God! I just know little Nathan is going to grow up to be one special young man, and I pray that he comes to know the Lord at a young age and is protected, blessed and used by God in mighty ways! I pray for Aaron and Echo that they would be Godly parents and have a strong relationship with each other, with Nathan, and most importantly with the Lord! In Jesus' Name AMEN
Here is Nathan Marc Johnson
Here is Aaron new Dad to Nathan
Click Here for Baby Nathan's Blog! I'm sure there will be lots of photos added soon so keep checking!