Sunday, December 31, 2006
I got it at Ross

Happy New Year

Free Online Diet Plan at SparkPeople.com
Friday, December 29, 2006
Winter Fashion

Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Christmas Stitching

This picture of me is on Sunday, Christmas Eve, after church working on the embroidery. I finished the blanket on Christmas.
The "grow" is stitched onto a onesie for Baby J. I used some lightweight stabilizer basted onto the back and then trimmed down when finished embroidering. I made it on the 26th and finished just in time for Aaron and Echo to take home with them.
Tuesday, December 26, 2006
His and Hers

The pattern is from one of the iron on transfers from Aunt Martha's that I got at WalMart. The pattern is transferred onto some eggshell/ecru colored Egyptian cotton pillowcases. I used DMC floss in black and purple. One strand for the stem stitch for the thin lines and outlines, then I used 3 strands for filling in the satin stitch. 'His' is black with a purple heart and 'Hers' is purple with a touch of green (1 strand DMC floss) for the stem and leaves (stem stitch and lazy daisy) and some light lavender flowers in 4mm silk ribbon french knots with a yellow colonial knot center done in 2 strands DMC floss.
Monday, December 18, 2006
In The Garden RR: Lillian's block
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Godey's Lady's Fashion

I just think these would make beautiful fabric prints for CQ or backgrounds for blogs among many other uses I'm sure you can think of.
Friday, December 15, 2006
Old Embroidery Articles

You can click on these photos and save them as well. The 3 sets of monograms are useable.
I hope that I haven't infringed on any copyrights or anything like that. If I have please let me know and I will modify as needed.
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Embroidery Designs

This heart design is in their Valentines section. Enjoy!
Tuesday, December 12, 2006
My Brother Isaac's Gift

I had been wondering if this was an 'I' or a 'J' since the older monograms have one of those missing. Either would have been fine since they are both his monograms but I found this today that has the full alphabet and I now know that it is an 'I'! Whew!
Monday, December 11, 2006
Johnson "J" Towel Gift Set

Click Here to see how I made the smaller ones.
Click Here to see the 6 inch monogram.
Click Here to see their bright bathroom the set was made for!
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Christmas Gifts

In The Garden RR: Lillian's block

Thursday, December 07, 2006
Windsong Jewels: My work on Kari's Block

All the larger roses are spider-web roses, and the smaller filler roses are running stitch roses, which I zigzagged from edge to edge while doing the running stitch down the ribbon.
Then I used french knot flowers for filling and the little buds are twisted chain stitch. All the leaves are ribbon stitch, except the branches on the curved seam which are padded straight stitches.
The gold seam is an alternating buttonhole stitch with lazy daisy's on both sides and a gold seed bead at the tips.
The purple seam is french knots using silk chenille to make the fuzzy dots and lazy daisy's in sets of 3 with seed beads in the middles.
Monday, December 04, 2006
Monogrammed 'C'

For the verse I took an air-erasable pen and drew it out and then stitched over it with the stem stitch.
The verse is Psalm 4:8 says
"I will lie down and sleep in peace for you alone, O LORD, make me dwell in safety."
Sunday, December 03, 2006
Windsong Jewels: My work on Kari's Block

I also added blue running stitch roses in 4mm and ribbon stitch leaves in 2mm silk ribbon.
Floral Motif

Here is a close up of the floral motif I created on Lillian's block.
I just love how it turned out. It has spider web roses in 3 different colors of 4mm silk ribbon. Clematis flowers made out of ribbon stitches in purple 4mm silk ribbon. Little yellow french knot flowers which are made by making a french knot with 1 wrap and loosely tightening with 3 wrap french knots in 1 strand DMC floss for the center. I made stems using the stem stitch and 1 strand silk floss and added leaves with 4mm silk ribbon in ribbon stitches. The little rosebuds are made from the twisted chain stitch in 4mm with a fly stitch in 4mm green worked around them.
I added clear swarski crystals to the roses as dew. Also I added amber glass seed beads to the middle of the clematis flowers. Then I added some larger amber beads and some small clear AB seed beads as dew drops near the rosebuds.
I took the air-erasable pen and kind of put circles where I thought roses would look nice then I drew little ovals to point towards the other area of the block which became the rose buds. Then I kinda felt where the clematis flowers would go and drew that in. I liked what I saw so I got some floss and made the spokes for the roses, but then I was on a role and went ahead and made the roses. Then I took a chance and instead of making the lazy daisy flowers I tried doing the ribbon stitch and ended up with clematis flowers which I like way better than the old daisy flowers. Then the next day I looked though JBM's floral stitches book and found the french knot flower and made those, I tried to make them a little looser and free so they'd look like a filler flower more. Then I drew in where the stem would go and the smaller stems I wanted to get them pointing in good directions and proportionate to the bouquet. Then when I felt it was right I stitched those in then added the leaves but I realized I needed more stems on the big long stem in order for it too be more realistic for roses so I drew in what I thought would look nice, stitched it and added the leaves. Then I added the little buds and the fly stitches on them. Then I went though what beads I thought would look nice, did a lot of bead tryouts before deciding which ones to use and where. Then I stitched them down and it was done!
My secret to making motifs is to get the foundational elements in and the filling stuff just comes together after that. To me the main flowers, and stems are foundations then secondary flowers after that, then I add the filler flowers and leaves in around them.
Friday, December 01, 2006
In The Garden RR: Lillian's block

The motif has roses and purple clematis and it's like a wonderful bouquet right out of my garden! I think I want to make something similar on a jacket collar!
Click on the photos to see closer.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
In The Garden RR: Lillian's block and Lace Painting

Tips for first time lace painters:
- Use a brush (with a nice fine tip)
- Less is more, you can always go back and touch up if it's too little. Too much dye will start to seep and run into other areas.
- It's better if your lace isn't sopping wet, squeeze it out between a towel so that it's just damp.
- Dainty little taps work well to control where your dye is going, tap more in the middle when the brush is fully loaded.
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Windsong Jewels: My work on Kari's Block

Hey you all see that little tiny seam of silver fabric down in the right hand corner? I was wondering what I should do with it, if anything. What would you do? Leave it? Any idea's? I fiddled with putting a button or something but it all just looks weird so I'm thinking of leaving it alone and letting it just be.
Work In Progress
Sunday, November 26, 2006
Windsong Jewels: My work on Kari's Block

What I'm Working On

The purple J is on a green fleece pillowcase for my sister Joyce.
The green G is on a pink fleece pillowcase for my Mother-In-Law Gloria.

The finished ones were done one each on the airplane rides to and from visiting family. Each took about 4 to 4 and a half hours to complete, and they are about 3 inches tall. The little flowers are 4mm silk ribbon done with padded straight stitches.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
A heart my hubby made!

Monday, November 13, 2006
On Vacation
Saturday, November 11, 2006
White on White CQ Block

Friday, November 10, 2006
In The Garden RR

"He speaks and the sound of His voice
Is so sweet the birds hush their singing
And the melody that He gave to me
Within my heart is ringing"
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