Here's my Floral Belle with the embroidery all finished! My idea was to make her in graduating shades of pink. I'd have liked to use more of the bright hot pinks for Alece but didn't seem to have the right colors of floss or ribbon, but I think Alece will love her anyway! She really looks like a rose garden in person the photo doesn't seem to do her justice.
She has sweetheart roses on her hat and bodice in 4mm silk ribbon. All the light green leaves are straight stitches in 2mm silk ribbon.
She is full of spiderweb roses in graduating sizes down her dress the first 2 rows of roses have colonial knots of the darker shade in the centers all using 4mm silk ribbon.

On the last row I used 4mm silk ribbon to make spiderweb roses that also have a sweetheart rose in the center. After making the spiderweb rose I would come back up at the center with the same ribbon and place a sweetheart rose there. I think it gives them a more pointed center shape.

On the back I created a "To/From" in Word and printed it and then flipped it over and traced it with a black iron on pen. When I ironed it, I got it too heavy in a spot so the stitching looks kind of dirty but it's not. I'm a little bummed that I messed that up but since Alece is going to be 7 years old I don't think she'll mind! LOL Also this is not your ordinary white floss...it's
DMC's Glow In The Dark!!!!! I worked the whole thing in the
whipped backstitch, my new favorite outlining stitch!

If you click on the Glow In The Dark photo you might be able to see it better. It's hard to get a good "glow" photo, but it sure looks cool in person!
I finished the pillow for Alece!

